简介:Inspired by true events, the Barracuda Queens are a group of disaffected teenage girls who, bored of their privileged lives in the affluent Stockholm suburb of Djursholm, become involved in an escalating campaign of house burglaries targeting their naive rich neighbors. By day they are high achieving students and daughters but by night, they are ruthless thieves.
艾米丽·沃森,奥莉维亚·威廉姆斯,卡米拉·比普特,崔维斯·费米尔,莎拉·林,乔迪·梅,马克·斯特朗,杰德·阿努克,莎拉-索菲·波斯妮娜,克里斯·梅森,杰西卡·巴登, 约什·赫斯顿,克洛伊·利亚,法奥利安·坎宁安,爱德华·戴维斯,伊芙·海因德,莎罗姆·布龙-富兰克,金智海,塔布,查瑞莎·钱德兰,艾玛·坎宁,叶林·韩,芙萝拉·蒙戈马利,泰莎·波纳姆·琼斯,劳拉·霍沃德,劳拉·霍沃德 Laura Howard